Monday, February 18, 2008

Godliness with Contentment

The Scriptures tell us to be content with food and raiment, (1 Timothy 6:8). Enough to eat, clothing to wear, and a roof over our heads. But there's something even better than that. The Bible tells us that godliness added to contentment is great gain, (1 Timothy 6:6). And how does one "get godly"? I suppose that spending time reading the Bible and praying is good place to start. That's where we can learn more about God. When you're occupied with something you become like that object. Thus occupation with Christ is a sure way to make one godly. Because we cannot read our Bibles all day long, it's just not practical, we can take the Scriptures with us when we memorize verses and bring them to mind during the day. And we can certainly pray (without ceasing) as we go about our business.

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