Monday, July 14, 2008

Real Power

"The power of testimony and personal holiness comes through prayer." C.E. Lunden

If we want real power in our lives it has to be gotten by private means. It's not something that we have been born with. It is gotten on our knees, with our faces in the dust, in private before the Lord. It is not gotten by ill means, by public display of piety or any such thing. It has to be between us and our Lord with no one to witness. Public display plays no part. To be seen of others so they will note how godly we are is hypocrisy. The very thought of it is an oxymoron. The result of prayer is communion with our God and it brings us down to humility. If we pray to be seen of men, that's pride.

We can not hide that we have not been in secret with the Lord. It will show in our manner of life--the way we talk, of what we talk, the way we respond to every day life, even when we pray aloud. People know. It shows how much time you actually spend in quiet communion with the Lord. There is no fast track to personal godliness. It is not gained overnight. It takes time and those who spend the time will be marked as such.


Gramma said...

How I wish for power to spread oil onto troubled waters.

Sjo said...

Thank you for that reminder, it's so hard to do some times but the peace and confidence you come away with are unmatched by any other methods.